Sunday, 10 February 2013

Busy Week

Well what a busy week it has been.

I worked the early part of the week and had travel disruption on Tuesday due to the bad weather. I was very glad when the snow disappeared and hope it doesn't come back again very soon.

On Wednesday evening I went to see Les Miserables at the cinema with a friend and really enjoyed the film, I have seen it at the theatre and the film was just as good with the same amount of tears! I knew that I needed to go and see it again and on Friday got my wish; it was my day off and after going to see my DS and partner in their new house and a lovely lunch out with my DH we spent the afternoon in the cinema watching Les Miserables all over again. I hope Anne Hathaway does well tonight at the BAFTA'S she deserves to win.

My round robin was posted out on Monday and I received the next one for me to stitch on Friday. There is plenty of time as the next posting date is not till April so I will probably settle down next weekend to start my part of the stitching.

Yesterday I spent the day at the Creative Craft Show in Manchester, replenishing my stash.
Earlier in the week I had watched a recording of Jane Greenoff's show on the Create and Craft channel who had an acronym for describing our stitching stash purchases it was SABLE; stash acquisition beyond life expectancy. I thought this was very appropriate in my case as I have so much stuff however it did not deter me from buying more at the show and I came away with charts, charms, scissors, fabric, aida, linen and a wall hanging with pegs for bobbins. This purchase was not essential but very pretty and will look really nice on my workroom wall.
I made a great effort to buy some charts that were not Winter or Christmas related as I tend to go for those themes before anything else. I got a chart for Easter and a couple related to friends and friendship so have plans for some little stitching smalls in the near future.

Today I have finally finished "Joy" so now have 2 pieces that need making up and finishing. This is planned in for Wednesday on my next day off.

So not much stitching this week but had a fab week; good cry at the pictures, replenishing the stash and postie delivering nice packages what more could a girl want!

Enjoy your week

Melanie x


  1. Hi, I found your blog on the RAK Blog. I love the term 'SABLE; stash acquisition beyond life expectancy' its so true.

    I look forward to reading your blog each week.
    Lesleyanne xxx

  2. Looks like you had a perfect week. I came on over from RAK to read your blog and say hello. Oh I love the "SABLE" term and thought right away how nice it would look embroidered on a pillow. Have a great week.
